Problems with Links Being Removed

Unfortunately, the Brotzmann link has been removed from all services linked to Sharebee. This is the 3rd time I uploaded this file, so I am not going to take the time to upload again. Apparently certain people don't want you to hear these recordings, unless you pay 30+ for an import copy. I am perplexed as to why this link keeps getting deleted, while the links for new releases that are in print do not get removed. Are we sending the message that it's alright to share new releases but not out-of-print titles that can only be bought for a high import price?

I know that this has happened to many other bloggers out there, so I present you with this question: How am I supposed to share out-of-print records with people if they keep getting deleted by the file-sharing services? What file sharing services are less likely to remove my shares? I have used Sharebee which includes Rapidshare, Z-Share, Badongo and Megaupload, Media-Fire and Z-share. They have all deleted this link because of copyright infringement and becausethey have received complaints about this share( no doubt from stodgy old collectors who are worried that the value of their record will go down because of this share). What are the guidelines for sharing music over the internet? Why is it Ok to share the new Wilco album but not an out-of-print record from some obscure Japanese prog folk band from the 60's. Isn't the music the most important thing here, and not some collector's misguided perception that the monetary value of a record should take precedent over the music itself. I do not run this blog to violate copyright issues or to piss off the RIAA. I do it because I have a desire to share the music I love with others who might enjoy listening to it.

If my links continue to be deleted, I may have to go back to only sharing a few songs off each record. I would like to continue sharing both full albums and selected songs, so please speak up if you have any ideas on how I can make this work for both of us.


J-Bombay said


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I think I know the roots of your problem with the Songlines album. Three letters - FMP! Any stuff from them, in print or not gets immediately deleted. I think they hire people to troll blogs to remove their material. Its a bummer, because I would kill for a copy of "Ein Halber Hund..." or the Brotz album with Cyrille, and I won't ever find them in a blog. I wish they would just reissue it if they are going to be so protective!

(Great blog btw -- I loved the memorial pic you had for Vonnegut especially)

-J Bombay
Anonymous said

I just want to say I dig everything you're saying. Well said.
Kevin said


Thanks for your insight on the problem. I think your theory definitely makes sense, but it's unfortunate that they don't reissue this stuff so more people can hear it.

Just to let you know, I never posted a memorial pic for Vonnegut, so I think you have my blog mixed up with someone else's. In any event, love your blog as well. Please add me to your links if you dig what I'm doing. Take care!
Ernest said

Please don't go back to sharing only a couple of songs. You've got a great blog, don't let these pricks get to you :)
Kevin said

Infinite Machine: I appreciate your kind words and think that I will continue doing posts with full albums on rare or out-of-print stuff and will post a few Mp3's for new albums and other things that are still in circulation. Hope you keep checking me out. I dig your blog as well and will post a comment on there soon.

Take care, Kevin
Anonymous said

The problem is not FMP but former FMP-owner Jost Gebers who retired and has nothing else to do nowadays than surfing the net for FMP stuff and deleting it...

FMP is still active with new management but on a very low level (last release 2005) and hoping for reissues is futile.

Please continue with complete albums!

phil said

Fight fire with fire

Peter Brötzmann - For Adolphe Sax (1967)

Peter Brötzmann - Nipples (1969)

Peter Brötzmann - More Nipples (recorded 1969, released 2003)

Peter Brötzmann - Fuck de Boere (recorded 1968 & 1970, this disc released 2001)

Peter Brötzmann, Fred Van Hove, Han Bennink - Balls (1970)

Peter Brötzmann, Fred Van Hove, Han Bennink - FMP130 (recorded 1973, reissued 2003)

Peter Brötzman / Han Bennink - Schwarzwaldfahrt (1977)

Peter Brötzmann Group - Alarm (1981)

Peter Brötzmann, Albert Mangelsdorff & GĂŒnter "Baby" Sommer - Pica Pica (1982)

Peter Brötzmann Clarinet Project - Berlin Djungle (1984)

Peter Brötzmann, Peter Friis Nielsen, Peeter Uuskyla - Live At Nefertiti (1999)

Peter Brötzmann - Nothung (2002)

Peter Brötzmann, Peter Friis Nielsen, Peeter Uuskyla - Medicina (2004)

Peter Brotzmann, Joe McPhee, Kent Kessler, Michael Zerang - Guts (2007)
Anonymous said

some pretty scarce stuff there, Phil, thanks (and "thanks" to the skulking toady that whined about FTBoer, Berlin Jungle and Alarm already)
where's yer' blog man, must be a doozy ;)

Kevin, keep up the great work-most of the OOP record-scalpers see the writing on the wall--the last death throes of a dying cottage industry
Kevin said

Maximumbreak: Thanks for the update on FMP records. It sounds like they are not in it for the music and the listeners. Oh, well! I guess there's not much we can do, except to keep posting the rare stuff.

Phil: Thanks for all the Brotzman you posted here. It's too bad they are Rapidshare links, because I can only download one album per 5 or 6 hours. Nevertheless, still choice picks from the Brotzmann archive.

Hideo: Thanks for your profound statement about the "cottage industry". Unfortunately, I believe that they will sink into the abyss if they don't get their head out of their ass.

Best, Kevin
Anonymous said

just sayin' thanks for a great blog. grabbing the july album now. thanks!
Anonymous said

This is an amazing blog, thank you so much. some of the links for albums you have listed return "file not found error" in rapidshare. does this mean they have been deleted?
MajorBonobo said

With this kind of album, use It is slow to upload, but it is Russian and can't get deleted for copyright reasoning. It will expire like 5 months later, but then you may reupload.
Anonymous said

kevin: reset your Modem/Router and start a new download. After resetting you'll receive a new dynamic IP, this will do the trick :-)
Erika said

Is there anyone here who can send me by email Peter Brotzmann's Nothung? I'd be very grateful for that. My email is you in advance in case a gentle heart would do that for me.

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