Comments at a Standstill

Link has been removed for the 3rd time, so I have thrown in the towel on the Brotzman/Hopkins/Ali share. Please see the above message for details on this.

Well, it appears that using Z-Share is not going to work, since they have already deleted the Brotzmann/Hopkins/Ali link from their server. Most of the file sharing services have been unreliable lately, but I am re-upping this link with Mediafire. Please let me know if there are any problems with the download using Mediafire.

Now onto more pressing issues:

Lately there have been a lot of vistors here who have downloaded shares without leaving a comment. I too have downloaded something from a blog and then didn't leave a comment because I couldn't remember where I had gotten it from. So, I know where you're coming from on that one. However, it is generally just nice to hear that people appreciate what I'm doing here. A simple "thank you" will suffice, and I don't think that this is too much to ask. For those precious few that have left comments, this message does not pertain to you.

I'm not asking every single person to comment about what they download, but there have been roughy 150 downloads and only 1 comment on the last two posts. The comments are what inspires me to share more stuff and post more often. Please tell me what you think of the music, the writing, the design, etc. I am also open to posting things that you guys request, so let's get the dialogue going.


cosmo said

oops. fixed it.

Anonymous said

what makes miles wondering about brötz? no comments? well, you gotta give em enough rope if they stay behind, but unless the cats dig something peculiar to their taste, they won't give ya the dues ya deserve. those red scribblin's could be another reason for no wind - ctfgfnbl i had to hammer in...
wowsome! have you heard "stone/water" by the SUPERSTAR Brotzmann Chicago Tentet lineup?
Anonymous said

Dear Kevin

thanks very much for sharing this album of Brotz. What can i say about Bro, he is a legendary sax player wo makes in this day a turnpoint with McPhee and Co, Guts, Okka 2007. It's no cacofonic sound, it's even better, he became as a wine, je Àlter desto besser!, so thanks very much, his albums sometimes are a little bit hard to get, specially fmp, siveral of then OOP jet, for this reason, Thank You!

It's always interesting to me begin a weekend hearing this energetic musicians! Thanks, more freejazz if is possible!

best regards, Kike.
Anonymous said

link dead again. :(
I said

thanks for the african records, keep up the good work.
Anonymous said

Hey man, you have one of the most lovely, well done blogs around! I am from Germany and would our blog by chance and since then they with you and your selections. I just found you a couple of days ago and been still not through all your posts- too much good stuff to listen to. But as some otheres said before, I download the music and listen to it not directly. So sometimes I donÂŽt know, were I get it and were to say, if it was good or not. But your call for feedback is very understandable and maybe was needed. For me, I have to say, because here I am and thank you in words- and not just with keeping yuour fantastic blog in mind. I recommanded it to friends as well. So it was good to ask for some feedback, because otherwise, I (and others) wouldnÂŽt write some words to you, because all these blogs together can become kind of unpersonal- so I think it is good to keep it more personal-. from both sides. And I agree, that you should count the commands and stay with them- there will be always more people, who will not, but for those who do, keep looking on them.
You will "meet" me again on your blog- thank a lot, Marco

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