General Comments

This is the place for any comments you have that don't relate to a specific post. This is a place where you can leave any requests, suggestions and opinions that you have about this blog. It will always remain at the top of the blog so that it is visible to everyone. We can use this as a forum for an open discussion on music in general, as well as just simply saying hi. Let's get the ball rolling.


Anonymous said…
hi kevin! good thing to provide some space for the talkers. i sent you an e-mail for explanation about my commet earlier on - and i erased yours on my site, since you gave your adress and sure don't wanna get heaps of junk mails in it, ha? ;)


(now i have to type in "ciesbks" - odd rhythm, isn' it?)
cosmo said…
just checking through your extensive archive. that Apryl Fool- S/T, 1969, album is amazing. definalty gonna have to find an og copy of that!

Mindfield said…
Added to the XChannel Musc Blog Aggregator,

Please link back to me,

howdy. unfortunately I dont have any other live recordings, but I am about to post "what's lost" by Evolutionary Jass Band - I think I'll do that today. The album isn't as good as their live performance (I've seen them a few times, but that Halleluwah show was THE BEST!) ... I'm back in Texas, so unfortunately I can't record any of those amazing Portland bands, like Cexfucx - those guys are great! Have you been following the Mississippi Records catalog much? I'd like to post the Lipa Kodi Ya City Council, but I have no way to capture vinyl.
Kevin said…
Lucky: thanks for getting the comments rolling here. Also, thanks for clarifying more about your comment left on my post from yesterday. I appreciate that you removed the post with my e-mail address in it. Thanks for stopping by.

Cosmo: I'm glad you are digging the Apryl Fool record. I came across that one on Soulseek awhile ago, so I had to post it here. the link must still be active if you were able to download it. Apryl Fool is one of my favorite finds in the Psych Rock genre. Mindblowing guitar solos and amazing melodies

Mindfield: thanks for adding me to your bloglist. I have added your blog to my list.

dubbin: Sounds great about the Evolutionary Jass Band "What's Lost". I bought the wax at the record release party at the Artistery. Since then, I have seen them at a festival this summer called Awareness is Free and then again at the Artistery with my friend's group Baptist Arms. I haven't really followed the Mississippi Records catalog that much, but I definitely like the Community Library label run by Paul Dickow of "Strategy". What is the Lipa Kodi Ya City Council all about. Thanks for checking me out here. Love the Sublime Frequencies stuff that you've been posting on your blog lately.

Thanks to all for commenting.
Anonymous said…
Hey, thanks for the awesome blog and the awesome music. I really wanna hear that Brotzman/Hopkins/Ali album, but it's down again already.


And I'm also interested in hearing the whole You Follow Me album, but it seems you only uploaded a few tracks off of it? Am I missing the album link??

Thanks again-- you rule.
Kevin said…
Anon: thanks for letting me know about the Brotzmann album being down again. I used to use Sharebee for all of my uploads, but Sharebee has been unreliable lately. Also, had problems using Mass Mirror and Z-share took it down the first time. I will try and re-up it on emore time with a different service, but after that I think I will forget about it.

As far as Nastasia and Jim white, since it is readily avaialable to purchase, I'm not going to post the entire album. I try to only post entire albums of rare and out-of-print things. If you like what you've heard, pick up the record. It's definitely worth it and the artists will be happy that you did. Thanks for stopping by.

Take care, Kevin
Kevin said…
To anon and anyone else who is interested, The Brotzmann/Hopkins/Ali link was removed by Mediafire for violating their terms of service so I have re-upped it for the last time with Sharebee. Get it while the gettings good.

New post will be coming soon.
Kevin - I saw Evolutionary Jass Band at Awareness Is Free too! crazy. There weren't too many people there. Lipa Kodi Ya City Council is a collection of rare African folk music released by Mississippi. They also have a Thai album and some decent local folk music available. You should go to Mississippi Records and talk to the girl that works there or the owner (on thursdays) sometime.
Ernest said…
Hey Kevin, I love your blog. You've got a great selection. Keep up the good work, man!
Unknown said…
Hi Kevin,
I really like your blog and I want to tell to you about my upcoming release "Songs About the Mysteries of Housework and Nature". This is the debut CD of the trio project called H.E.R. which is myself, vocalist & synth player Yvette Perez, trombonist Peter Zummo and percussionist Danny Tunick. Release date is Nov 14, 2007.

You might know Peter's work with Arthur Russell and his own releases on XI records and New World records. I am the bandleader of NYC's avant-pop quintet Birdbrain.

I would like to send you a promo copy of "Songs About the Mysteries..." from what I see from your blog, I think it's not too far from what you like to listen to. If you'd be interested in posting an MP3 on "Eclectic Grooves" that would be really exciting.

You can hear a little on

Let me know where to send a cd. I couldn't find your email address on your blog. feel free to email me at


MFS Equipe ♪ said…
Hi...we add your fantastic blog in our favourite blogs links...if u don't want we remove it...
carman said…
Hey Kevin, do you know of any way I can get access to Church Number 9 again? I was a pretty dedicated follower of the blog and then I was without Internet access for about two months and now I am sad to see that it has gone private :(

Anyways, keep up the good work... love the blog!
carman said…
Oh yeah, I would LOVE a link to that Brotzmann album if it is still available. Feel free to email @ gmail if the link's still available for that album and if you know anything about Church#9.
Anonymous said…
off topic...but you've got some great sounds here. thanks!
Kevin said…
Sorry for the lack of updates lately, but I've been searching for a new job. I wanted to respond to the users who have left comments recently.

Carman: I hope you are digging those free jazz links that I sent to you through e-mail. I have definitely been getting lots of rare stuff from them. I will check out your radio show sometime, since it is right up my alley- free jazz and post rock.

Yvette: I received your CD and will review it on here soon. Be on the lookout for that.

Jazzypier: I appreciate that you added my blog to your links. I left a msg on your blog comments to thank you for this.

Anon: I'm glad you are diggin the sounds. Keep checking back or subscribe to my Feedburner feed to know when it has been updated.
Anonymous said…
Which means that after the Christmas of 2021 this will all be over ?

Kevin said…

If I am still doing this at the end of 2021, it will be a miracle. Who knows though? Stranger things have happened. Enjoy it while it lasts :)
thisistomorrow said…
hi kevin... i don't know how to get an invite for the 4 brother beats blog... i really don't know what's up with the guys, seems they have some problems to post new music... mike
Jazz-Nekko said…

perhaps you might take a look at my little 'ol corner of blog-o-sphere. . .and add a link to yours?

i think you might find an lp or two of interest to you and your readers -


Anonymous said…
Awesome blog! If the Brotzmann can be reposted, I would be most grateful. I missed it too!

Many thanks!
polk said…
desperately looking for a copy of william parker/hamid drake's summer snow; anyone have it? thx people...
The Purist said…
Happy new year mate. hope all is well. heres to 2008... a great year for the music blog!

Kevin said…
Anon: I attempted to post that album three times and it was taken down immediately so I don't plan on wasting any more time with it. If you want to get it- check me out on Soulseek. My username is kevhead1973. It can be found in the Eclectic Grooves folder. See ya!

Josh: I don't have William Parker/Hamid Drake- Summer Snow, but you might try to find it on Soulseek too.

A Pyrex Scholar: Hope you had a happy new year as well. Cheers to you and your blog! Here's to an equally fantastic 2008 with many musical gems to be found.
The Purist said…
yeah . that black merda album is pretty cool!
E-mile said…
Hi Kevin,
first of all best for the coming year and all that jazz!
I have a question: a while back Mr. Lucky went private (to me it was all of a sudden!)and since I have no e-mail adress or invite, could you let him know that I am "looking" for him? You can find me here: Mr. Lucky and I shared some music (Evan Lurie for example) and I was going to present the Zony Mash albums to him, when he went "outtasight"!
Hope you don't find my request a bit bold or anything, please let me know?
kind regards, E-mile
E-mile said…
oh yeah, Kevin, I forgot: is it OK by you if I'd link your blog in my little baby?
regards, E-mile
E-mile said…
Hi Kevin,

the link-thing is done, I also added an e-mail adress, maybe for future references, or more "personal" messages..
(whatever they may be ;-)
Mr. Lucky had contacted me, thanks for that line you dropped, he said he stopped his Mr.Lucky & Avant blog?! Hope his personal reasons were for the best of reasons, though.
kind regards, E-mile
Jazz-Nekko said…

thanks for the shout at "the pit" -

i have your blog now listed, and i look foward to joing your honour roll. . .


Anonymous said…
brilliant choices as usual. i like the sampling idea. keep up the great work.
Anonymous said…
Lost-In-Tyme isn't sending out any invites, since they really haven't gone private...just closed shop for a while, mainly for doing back-up's of all posts and all the good music...that's how Nikos explained it to us anyway!

soulbrotha said…

Thank you so much for leaving your kind comments on 4BB.

I'm not sure why folks are still trying to get into the private blog, which has been defunct for sometime now.
soulbrotha said…
And by the way, I have been wodering what in the world happened to ear fuzz! So glad to see you are still in the blog game, my man!
Anonymous said…
Weird to meet a fellow blogger in the flesh (other than the half-dozen or so political bloggers I know).
Was a gas hanging out and talking while the chicken radio show was going on.
Not really sure what the future holds for Kill Ugly Radio at the moment. Maybe I will return to uploading music again.

Also cool to see Mr. Lucky up there in the comments, too.
Hallo Lucky!
sqrl said…
would love to hear that taylor/bennink sometime.
great thing you've got going here.
Anonymous said…
Hi there. Great blog. I haven't got enough ears or the time to listen all these great albums.
Kevin said…
Soulbrotha: AS you have probably already noticed, Ear Fuzz is back. Check out my latest post on there on the history of the varitone saxophone featuring Eddie Harris, Sonny Stitt, Jerome Richardson and Landon Sonny Cox.

Rich: It was awesome and surreal to meet another blogger face to face, and I too had an amazing time on Daniel's show. Hopefully we can hang out on his show again. Take care!

Lessardonic: I will still be posting that Cecil Taylor with Han Bennink, but haven't gotten around to ripping it yet. Keep checking back.

anon: Thanks for the kind words. Just remember that there is always time for more music in one's life.

Best to you all, Kevin
flatsoul said…
flatsoul said…
Hi there!I am trying to create a search engine which is searching within soul/funk/jazz related blogs,blogs which offer album downloads,like yours and mine(

I am asking for your contribution to this effort ,by adding some blogs you know that offer album downloads for review ,so that the index of this search engine will expand.Thank you a lot

The search engines url is
en-gee said…
Great site and nice selection of music!

Anonymous said…
VERY nice site. Wanted to add this tidbit: the best PDX radio show is on KBOO once a month--no, not Daniel's--it's The Wiggle Room hosted by two guys, Tommy & Scott...I don't know who they are, but I'm convinced after listening for months now that they are "well connected" in the universal (especially European) avantgarde/experimental scene...certainly more than they let on. Check this show out; It's a hidden PDX gem!
Anonymous said…
Hi. Nice blog. I've add it as a feevy from mine:
howdy howdy. interesting little place you have. i like how you mix album downloads with track samples and mix-cds.

so sure, let's link-exchange. anyone who posts Sir Richard Bishop deserves a link from me anyway.
E-mile said…
Hi Kevin,

first of all: we've met before [:-)
I'm the guy on that "rather lonely spot" in your blogroll under the Mix Tapes section!
(you know that, I'm sure)
It's just fine, don't get me wrong, cause that's what I do best :-)
(I guess)
But, then again, you do some very good ones yourself, as the Whirling Derwish post proves.
(a great song by Ray Manzarek is called Whirling Derwish btw)
I knew of a few songs you snugged into there, but there were also a few nice surprises.

I myself get my inspiration from my own, vast collection of CD's & LP's,
from fellow bloggers and data from the w.w.w. "otherwise"...
and oh yeah friends-o-mine also bring in some input for my 10 songs posts.

The Jerome Richardson (both parts) from the vari-tone post are clearly "borrowed" from the late but
GREAT Office Naps spot, I myself recognized them immediately :-) ...
always nice to see that great sounds get a second life.

I much appreciate the fact you don't post whole albums, (most of the time) but only a tip of the musical iceberg!
One have to get people interested in the remaining parts...
But what am I dabbling about...

Oh, another thing, I noticed you're comment on "From The Shed" spot where you
asked about the means to block people who don't leave comments...
-another issue I'm willing to spill some words on :-)

Me for myself, I ALWAYS reflect on things I download from fellow-bloggers, most certainly if I like it a LOT!
From my own statistics (sometimes a post de moi is DL-ed for 80 times or so) I get zero, nada or one or two feedbacks,
but that doesn't, ahurm, discourage me, or make me "sad" in any way, it's just the way this world "works" I guess.

Beyond the fact that there are so many blogs out there :-)

I LOVE the love I feel (and HEAR) on, for example, on the Ile Oxumare spot from Ish, and the Strata East catalogue
that's been build there...Where ever I can I tribute to that, it's a good example of the sharing community that flows around!

Pfew, this has become a (much longer, like an extended 12" mix) chat than I intended,
time to just call it a day,
hope to hear from you again ( on a.n.y. issue you can think of )

keep the good work up,


Kevin - Have you had any luck finding any of the Mississippi Records stuff online? I own almost the entire catalog, but I dont even own a record player (I just collect vinyl). I'd love to hear entire albums, not just clips.
Anonymous said…
Nice Site!! Keep up the good work!!

I just found out about a new website that helps musicians, artists, writers etc. to sell their work online without the need to go through record labels, publishing houses and all that stuff... It’s called – you sign up for free and they give you a free store on their website to sell your work through. They also offer a software widget that you can put on your myspace or facebook (or blog) to help you sell your work directly to your friends. They just started up this week, it’s probably worth checking out…

myrkursoli said…
Hello Kevin,
First of all, thanx for your-more-than-helpful-comments at
I just dicovered your blog, you have a truly unique taste, I have to admit. I've got to fing the time and start downloading your stuff, you have so many thing I haven't ever listened to!
Me myself, I've been thinking about music community project, that would really intriguing. Unfortunately, most readers don't have the time or will to share their comments, thoughts and participate through their feedback. Nothing should let us down,by no means, dude.
If I can be helpful in anything, let me know.

I'd really love the idea of us exchanging links...I've put up yours already...

Anonymous said…
Nice blog!
Anonymous said…
WE FIVE final single There Stands the Door

Hi, add this to your list of wants and, please post … psychedelic, raga folk-rock masterpiece, the best thing WE FIVE ever did … final single "There Stands The Door / Somewhere", 1966, A & M 800!!!
Anonymous said…
Hey Kevin

My name's Jon and I'm with Capillary Action-- I came across your mention review of People and thought our record might be right up your alley.

I was writing to see if you'd be at all interested in reviewing our new record, "So Embarrassing" for Stop Smiling. We're touring up a storm behind this record so any press we can garner would be greatly appreciated.

More info and samples:

If you give me your address, I'd be more than happy to mail out a copy to you ASAP or I can just post the record online for you to download.

Feel free to drop me a line at when you get a chance.

Hope you're well! Talk soon!

Anonymous said…
Nice shot! so he's is the so-called one of the jazz kings.
Kevin said…
Hi, it's been awhile since I've replied to any of the general comments. So, I wanted to get on that.

Anon 1: Thanks for letting me know about the Wiggle Room show on KBOO. It sounds like it would be right up my alley, so I will definitely check it out soon.

anon 2: Thanks for adding me to your blog links. I think I returned the favor by adding you to mine, but I'll double check later today. Cheers!

Irate Pirate: I have been checking out Wrath of the Grapevine for a long time. Sorry it took me so long to respond to this, but everyone that visits my site should do themeselves a favor and check out the last two posts on your blog. The link can be found at the bottom of my Frequently visited list. Amazing stuff!

e-Mile: Thanks for your thoughts and suggestions. I agree that it is up to each blogger to take this as serious as they want to. However, I don't think there's anything wrong with asking for people to comment more often. It sounds like you might be judging me because I posted the Jerome Richardson tracks here without giving a shout to Office Naps. I completely agree that those who post something should get recognition for what they posted, and this one slipped throught the cracks. I only post whole albums for things that are out of print. I'm not interested in sharing things that take the profits away from the artists. I agree with you that Ile Oxumare has built a community of listeners who share in the love of Strata East style jazz. There's some great stuff to be found there and at El Reza's message board.

Untitled and Anonymous: I left an in-depth message on your blog about two weeks ago.

Mykursoli: I put Death of the Left Unfinished in my Frequently Visited section and I left you a msg on your blog. Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with as a fellow blogger.

Jon: I appreciate your willingness to send me a CD to review for your band. I've been kind-of out of commission for the past three weeks. I'll send you an e-mail soon to follow-up about this.

Cybasumo: Not sure what your comment is referring to- Ornette?? Cecil?? Please let me know what you mean by "the so-called one of the jazz kings".

Cheers to all of you, and thanks for stopping by.

King Polo said…
Hey Kevin! Thanks for the comment. Link trade sounds great, I already added yours. I couldn't find the US Maple set so I guess Cecil Taylor will have to suffice. :)

Singer are playing Vancouver in a few weeks (probably Portland too).. really looking forward to that since I never got to see US Maple.

I took most of May off but I'm getting Polophonic back on track, so check for updates and I'll keep an eye on yours. peace!
MFS Equipe ♪ said…
try this

and say something to us if it's work...
sorry for any inconvenience, but the real fact is that we are forgrt this pass...ouch!
MFS Equipe ♪ said…
* mean ''forget''
E-mile said…
hi Kevin, first of all, hope you're recovering fast, I wish you all the best, been a while since I visited you and I will check your Cicada Omega plug for sure!
keep it up,
peace, E-mile
Kevin said…
King Polo: The US Maple set might need to be reupped. I'll check that out, and let you know when the link is live again. I don't know if Singer already played Portland, but I will definitely check them out when they do. Thanks for stopping by!

Jazzypier: Thanks for responding so quickly. That password you gave me worked, so I was able to unzip the file. Cheers!

E-mile: I appreciate that you stopped by to drop a line. I will check out your blog soon too. Hoep you dig the Cicada Omega, but regardless I'm interested in what you think of it.

Thanks to all of you and have a great day!

Peace, Kevin
Howdy Kevin. I am moving back to Portland from TX. You'll have to keep me updated on upcoming shows starting in the beginning of August and I will do the same. Heard any talk of another Halleluwah?
NØ said…

Thanks for stopping by & leaving the comment about Brothers Unconnected (Sun City Girls,Richard Bishop).

I looked through your archives & tried your search but couldn't seem to find the SCG or SRB live shows???

I never even posted a follow-up about the BU show because no one seemed to care/be interested. I was waiting for a comment before posting the show revu. Now I'll have to write up something.

Thanks again, dig your site, grabbed the Ornette while I was here...Free Jazz, hell yeah! Any chance to see the great Mr. Coleman is well worth making happen, whatever it takes, he never disappoints.

NØ said…

Thanks for the links to the Bishop & SCG shows.

The link to your page is up on my links.

NØ said…

Nathan Nothin' here one last time about this topic. I've got Grotto of Miracles, the first self-titled 1984 album, Singles Collection disc 1 & 2, & Moe Tucker & the Sun City Girls. If you don't have any of these, let me know & I'll upload them somewhere for you.
NØ said…

recorded in Phoenix,AZ. 1983
Paris 1942 self-titled
Majora Records

Alan Bishop - bass,vocals
Bennie Baresi - guitar
Jesse Akari - guitar
David Oliphant - guitar
Moe Tucker - drums

I have The Brothers Unconnected cd, too if you want that, let me know.

Thanks for turning me on to Experimental.Etc...I'll be downloading musick from there for the rest of the millennia.

Anonymous said…
Don't know if this is up your alley, but found this music quite interesting as it seems to be a blend of a lot of different genres, but I keep coming back to a strong Jazz influence. I especially think it's interesting that a new album will be released every month by this artist. I'm going to keep an eye on this artist just in case. Let me know what you think.

Tennal Jennings
Anonymous said…
MXP4 is a cool new digital audio format that enables an artist to create variations of a song by integrating “skins,” or interpretations into a track. Check it out at
Pelle said…
Hi Kevin,

Since you're looking for feedback, I guess I'll volunteer some. Since subtle perfection closed shop, I've been missing something that you've accomplished to an extent already: a jazz site with well chosen single tracks rather than every damn obscure jazz album released between '65 and '75 that the blogger can find. Also, I'm more interested in really good tracks than really obscure ones - I don't care much for unique live uptakes etc.

On the other hand, this is your blog, and part of the charm of a blog for me is unpredictability - within reasonable limits. It would suck if you started posting 90s pop songs to appeal to a broader audience.

Take care and thanks for your efforts,

hey bubba, im finally back in portland. let me know whats going on around town. help out the new guy! i saw evolutionary jass band playing a soundtrack to cartoons last night outside mississippi records
Unknown said…
Hey Kevin,

Great site, love the concept. I would like to introduce you to a group we're working with called Astronauts of Antiquity. Currently working with RevCon ReCords and Koch Distribution, Astronauts of Antiquity have developed a special sound labeled Urban-Electro-Organica. Band members India and B. Rhyan have scheduled their new album release for early October and have included a track featuring Grammy-Award winning Cee-Knowledge (aka Doodlebug from Digable Planets). Below are links to download two of their most popular songs for you to check out, along with a viral video; the full bio and a photo have been attached. We are trying to gain as much exposure as possible, so we'd really appreciate any feedback or advice either via your page or through email.


-"Soup Du Jour" feat. Cee-Knowledge:

-"Getting Better" video:

- You can refer to until the launch of our official website

Hope you feel the music and we'd love to hear your thoughts, advice, and feedback!

- Dave
Anonymous said…
Stopping by to show some love to a fellow music lover. I admire and am inspired by lovers of music...especially those willing to step outside the mainstream and remain true to themselves. Stop by and visit sometime.

Much respect to you and best regards,

-- Me Like Good Music - The Source for Underrated Music
SpankyMonkey said…
Hi there, love your comps (said that before) can't believe I haven't linked to you before shall sort it now


PS any chance of a re-up of

Afro Rock Volume 1- V/A- 2001, KONA Records

And you don't have Nkengas - Destruction do you?
Kevin said…

I appreciate that you were willing to express what you are lookign for. I like rare stuff, but I don't post something just because it's a private press record that no one has heard yet. I like the idea of exposing people to a few good tracks that encapsulate the sound of the album. Hopefully this will generate more sales for the artists in the long run. Just to set your mind at ease, I'm not about to start posting Christina Aguilera or Coldplay on Eclectic Grooves. Thx for the feedback!

Tennal Jennings and Revcon:

Thanks for the suggestions. My inbox has been flooded with requests from new artists lately, but I will definitely try to give it a listen soon.


Thanks for the kind words regarding my blog! I try to give people something different than the average sharity blog. While I like to share full albums that are out-of-print, I also like to mix it up with new music and creative mixes to keep it fun and interesting for me. I will definitley be stopping by to give you a shout at your blog.


I'm glad that you are digging the comps, and I would appreciate it if you would add me to your links. I can re-up that Afro-Rock comp for you, but it might not happen for a week or two. Lastly, I've never heard of Nkengas-Destruction. What kind of music is it?

Best to all of you, Kevin
SpankyMonkey said…
Linked you up now!!

Nkengas - Destruction is an apparently awesome afrobeat album that is hard to come by (I have spies in Nigeria looking for the vinyl now!) - the song of the same name is on a few compilations and I'm a fan and a half. I want to listen before I harrass my west african relatives into hating me

It has been posted on myfavouritesounds but their no reup policy has foiled me!

Anonymous said…
I noticed that your site links to "pathway to unknown worlds", which I used to visit but now find is invitation only. Any idea on how to get invited or who to contact? Thanks much.
hey kevin. i got a new blog up, will i be seeing you at sunn o)))? ill be getting back into town an hour before they take the stage, so im not sure if i will make it - but im going to try.
Unknown said…
Greetings! Just discovered your site via Totally Fuzzy. Nice one; lots of good stuff. Being that I'm from just over the river in Washington, I've added you to the much-vaunted "Friend of Fusion 45" blogroll on my site (aptly named Fusion 45.) I also review old records from the thrift stores at Sal's Boutique). Stop by sometime.
Kevin said…
Hey Sal! Thanks for stopping by. I will definitely check out your blog. Thanks for adding me to your links too.

Best, Kevin
Devil Dick said…
eclectic indeed!

thank you for the link, i have returned favor!

i hope a few of your readers will come check out my eclectic mixed bag of vinyl tricks and treats...?!?

blackclassical said…

added kevin best

greg + reza
Kevin said…
Greg and Reza. Thanks for adding me to your links. I really appreciate being part of such a thriving music community.

Best, Kevin
sqrl said…
truly great blog, man.

really digging on the movers and shakers podcast.

Kevin said…

I have noticed that you are one of the people who has commented often about various posts. First, thanks for your continued support. Second, I hope you continue to check out the blog in the future.

I wanted to ask you what songs you liked on the "Movers and Shakers" podcast? Do you like the commentary in between sets that I do? Is it informative enough or do I go on too long in your opinion?

I have another podcast on Psychedelic soul that is right around the corner. Hoep you dig it!

Best, Kevin
Anonymous said…
anhyone have any eddie harris? electric period?
Kevin said…

Wow that's a long username, man! Thanks for stopping by! I posted some Eddie Harris electric stuff awhile back, but I'm pretty sure the links are still active. What are you looking for? I've got a lot of his stuff, so I would be happy to post something that you are looking for specifically. Here is the link to the Eddie Harris that has already ben posted on Eclectic Grooves.

Cheers, Kevin
Anonymous said…
thanks for the response man. Glad you like my user name. Quite necessary in these days and times. Anyway on to the music. Off the top of my head it would be: Free Speech, Instant Death, Excursions, I Need Some Money. That's all. I've got it all on vinyl but me computer digital transfer skills are stuck in that same time period. Thanks for your excellent blog bro!
Kevin said…
Hey power2,

It looks like all of these are available on cd right now, so I will not be able to post them. I don't want to get in trouble with the DMCA or RIAA. I could send you a sharebee link of Excursions and Instant Death through e-mail, though. If you are interested in that, let me know. Thanks for the kind words!

Peace, Kevin
Anonymous said…
Just stumbled upon your site looking for Halloween sound effects. Great stuff! I'll definitely be back.
Sledge said…
Hey !

I thought some of your readers might be interested in this purchase...

Please hit it up on your site, I want this great LP to go to a good home.

Nigel said…
Brand new to this blog (found it via inconstant sol) and I really liked the 2008 best of wrap up. Thanks for taking the time to put that together...quality criticism, I say!

I really need to get a handle on feedburner and bring some order to the chaos of my music websurfing. With luck, I will, and I'll be back to chat with you later.


iBone said…

This is Nate from The Macrotones, Boston's premier imperial afrofunk militia. We've been blowing up recently with our heavy groove, a big feature in the local altweekly ( and a debut album called Wayne Manor.

I wanted to give you a chance to check us out and see what you think. You can download the album and artwork at I could send you a hard copy of the album if you prefer or it's also available on iTunes.

For a taste of our new direction since we recorded our album (sub dirtygrind organ for Rhodes, write more evil tunes) check out the track "Elephant" on

Thanks for the site.

Anonymous said…
kevin - the url of my blog changed some time ago, you still have the old in your link list. here's the new one:

Anonymous said…
Thanks for the kind words and nice post

katekyo hitman reborn 137
Mr Tear said…
Hiya Kevin,
Thanks for linking snapcrackleandpops, glad you're enjoying the blog. The kind words are much appreciated. I read your post about throwing in the towel, I hadn't seen your blog before you left a comment but i've just had a quick look and it looks like you've been putting together a fantastic site, working hard on the writing and thinking carefully about what you post and why. It would be a shame to give it up just because of a lack of comments, though I appreciate that writing on the net can feel a lot like screaming into a black hole. You said you're now getting 200 hits a day, thats more than a thousand people a week are enjoying what you do. For me, the best thing about doing an album sharing blog is that its given me the best excuse to digitise the vinyl that i've bought over the years and continue to buy. And the reason I need to digitise this stuff is that the way I listen to music has changed, if i don't put this stuff on my mp3 player then i don't get to hear it apart from when I'm playing records down the local pub. Now i'm older and have a family I just don't have the time to lounge about in a smoking jacket listening to sounds. So if a few people can take some pleasure from this digitizing process too, then all is good. Anyway, I hope you keep on shouting into the void cos i like the sounds you make.
Unknown said…
Great stuff all around.
NØ said…
All right, Crown Prince Of Esoteric Musick...whoa!

As far as Dig.Melt. Zero doesn't really have links per se on his page. He has another blog Digital Meltd0wn Blogroll that is more like a blog aggregator, so...You can just submit to that, he'll add you, yuo'll be in NEW for a while then be listed by genre of blog.

Back to PBR3, I didn't have this MGP release, so thanks so much, though I had heard & liked them, great addition.
moloch666 said…
hi, i was wondering if you could fix the link to
Afro Rock Volume 1- V/A- 2001, KONA Records
would like to here this, thanks!
moloch666 said…
hi, i was wondering if you could fix the link to
Afro Rock Volume 1- V/A- 2001, KONA Records
would like to here this, thanks!
No-head said…
Kevin, drop me a line by e-mail if you can. VTB in Leeds last night. Brilliant stuff as usual. I have gifts.
Kevin said…

I ate too much turkey and the triptyphan is kicking in, so I'll keep this brief.

I would definitely be interested in checking out the gifts, but I don't believe that I have your e-mail address. Please let me know what it is, so we cann connect soon.

Best, Kevin
Sam said…
great blog.
Anonymous said…
great blog, I come here regulary and its always worth a visit

check mine if u like:

interested in link exchange?
Casey said…


- Diarrhea Planet

- Casey
Kevin said…

I think that something in your message may be lost in translation. You say "Unfortunately, you decided to vist my blog again". Do you mean this to read that you wish you hadn't visited my blog because you were reminded of Lhasa's death, or did you mean that you don't like the blog anymore? I'm just curious, because I would like to know when and why people aren't revisiting the blog.

This is truly a tragic thing, but we will always have Lhasa's music to remind us of the special gifts she gave to the world.

Best, Kevin
Found yer site by accident but the pleasure is all mine.

Thanks for turning me onto some fine new sounds for my being, I'm so happy I could open the window, stick my head outside, and giggle & whoop uncontrollably, melting into a small mass of frothing fuzz.

Eric said…
ur blog is really nice and interesting. I just wanna suggest that u should go for blog advertising & marketing there is a website which is offering very unique features at affordable prices. There are Expert advertising teams who will promote ur blog & affiliate ads through all over the networks. All u have to do is submit your blog plus pay affordable prices and rest leave it to Advertising Team for Promotion & Marketing then see how u enjoy a lots of quality traffic plus good readers to ur blog. Finally I have bookmarked ur blog & shared with my friends.!!happy blogging!!.
Starting a new blog. Could use some support If any of you have the time….Music To Be Murdered By
carlos said…
Hey Kevin,

Do you review albums released by netlabels?

Would you give mine a chance?

You can read a review here:

You can download it here:

My Blog:

Unknown said…
Hey Kevin,

I'm a recent follower of your blog; really digging the music that you post about on here, and it's good to see blogs that keep eyes and ears open to it.

I recently finished a four track demo with this groove based avant-garde band I formed recently and after seeing the kinda stuff you seem to be into, I'm really curious to get your feedback on it. It can be found on or

If you'd like, feel free to hit me up via email: kevin.theodore86@gmail. Be looking forward to seeing more posts, and hope you enjoy the tracks!
chrisbusker said…
this is one great blog - thanks for everything!
there's another great blog I used to visit that's recently gone private - anyone know how I can get an invite to Nightofthepurplemoon?
Parole Liquide said…
This is one of the greatest blog on Internet...thank you for all.
Unknown said…
Hey Kevin,

My name is Jon Ware and I wanted to know if it were possible for me to submit some music to you, and if you liked it, post something about it on your blog. Is this something you'd be interested in? Please let me know if it is. I play acoustic indie rock under the alias "Reboot The Robot" and you can find my music at and at Thanks for your time!

-Jon Ware
Reboot The Robot
239 285 2142
kwpang said…
very informative blog you have here, has been reading for an hour and it seems like endless. I hope every one else enjoy these articles too.
oddlogic said…
hello! I am a producer/dj by the name of ODDLOGIC. I'd love it if you featured my new release 'Cheat Tape'. You can download it for free at

John said…

We recently released this ambient split between John Praw and Darkslider, featuring 15 minutes of bonus material. If you think it's up your alley, we'd love a mention.

Feel free to upload it anywhere you wish.

Best wishes,
John & The MAM Records Staff.

P.S. Glad to see Benoit Pioulard made your top albums of 2010, too!
great blog, you've introduced me to a fair few people i never heard and they are all damn fine thanks
Kevin said…

Thanks for stopping by to give a shout. I appreciate that you have found some music that you like here. I am curious as to which bands have grabbed your attention specifically. Please continue to stop by in the future.

Best, Kevin
Unknown said…
Hey Kevin! Great blog you have here. As I'm a HUGE fan of eclectic, and as I just released a very eclectic EP of my own (each song written in a different style), I thought maybe you'd like to check it out. You can find my music here: If you like it enough and can throw some words up on your blog to help promote it, I'd sure appreciate it!

Take care, and keep blogging! - M.C.
Hey, just discovered this blog - it has some absolutely wicked finds on it!

Was looking through the archives and saw your "Aural Film Noir Excursions" mixtape but the link has gone down. Sounded pretty interesting -- any chance of a re-up?
Kevin said…
Hi atheist. I would call you by your name, but you didn't leave your name, so "atheist" it is. I would be happy to re-up Aural Film Noir Excursions. It was definitely one of the most popular downloads on here. Anytime you see something on here that you would like to see re-upped please let me know. It is my pleasure to do so. This goes for everyone else too, so please don't hesitate to ask. Occassionaly, there will be a request that I have to turn down because the record is still in-print or the artist has asked me to take it down, but for the most part I am happy to do so.

Thanks for stopping by, and look for a re-up within a day or two.

Best, Kevin
Kevin said…
Atheist: I have re-upped the Aural Film Noir Excursions mix, and you will find the link in the comments to the Aural Film Noir Exursions Redux post here:

I would love to hear what you think about the mix.

Best, Kevin

I'd let you know what I think!

I use this username for a number of sites so I don't leave a name for anonymity sake. (though I do have a picture in my profile... ah, the strange world of internet privacy)
Chemical Cut said…
dig the blog!


peace 8)
crystal bright said…
Thought you might appreciate this:
(RIYL - Tom Waits, Kate Bush, The Dresden Dolls, Siouxsie & the Banshees, Danny Elfman/Tim Burton, Yann Tiersen, and/or folktales, ethnomusicology, musical saws, and accordions)

I've attached my *new video "Drowned
which I'm really excited about! The video is very creepy and the sound of the new album is very different (as well as each song being very different from the next.) I've attached a few live videos, as well as my new official video, which features accordions, musical saws, spiders, murder a deranged preacher, revenge and a very crazy lady!.. Most songs from the new album (unreleased) are streaming on SoundCloud
vagmood said…
vdoandsound said…
Hi Kevin,

I saw your very kind comment about your willingness to help with the Mutant Sounds re-up campaign, once Righthaven finally emerges. Your offer is deeply appreciated. Once Righthaven is up and running, I was planning on reaching out to all those that have offered their help so far, so that strategy can be plotted about who will handle what, so as to avoid anyone generating the same links. I'll be back in touch soon, but if you want to reach me, i'm at pantheonbar (at) gmail (dot) com

thanks again and all my best to you,

thehappyone said…
Kevin, this is in reference to your comment in

Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you, unfortunately, the tracker software I run puts in a personalized keycode for the .torrent file, so you'd pretty much have to register, or see if you can get a friend/associate to do it...there's a few reasons why the initial upload is going to a tracker, one of these is to clamp/control distribution, since a lot of what I record is pre-release material and I don't want to necessarily put out open URLs in case some issue arises.

I'll eventually convert all the torrent links to direct download links, but it may be a couple to a few months off, since I only have a limited amount of space to self-host, and I'm never again going to rely on a third-party service since I'm not a criminal and there's no need to hide.
Kevin said…
Hi thehappyone. Thanks for your response to this. I created an account a couple days after I left that message cause I didn't want to miss out on all of those great downloads at your site. It really wasn't that big of a deal, and I certainly recognize the gravity of the situtation with 3rd party download services cracking down on many bloggers incuding myself. If you decide to host some of these as direct downloads, then that's great. Otherwise, I am fine with heading to the torrent tracker to download these exceptional shows.
thehappyone said…

Thanks so much for your understanding...I'm currently working my way through my January recordings, my tastes go up more to the basement and attic than the garage, but hopefully you'll see some more good stuff coming yr way.
vootie said…
I'm pretty sure I am the kind of person who annoys you and makes you consider giving up your blog. I don't lack interest in what you write, but I do lack attention and more often than not have limited stretches of consciousness, so I skim. I take advantage of your hard work. I enjoy everything I find, but this is the first time I've made any effort to let you know I appreciate what you are doing and I am grateful. I realize this "gratitude" I offer is laughable.
No-Fi said…
Archaznable said…
LOL am I on a time machine I see a 2021 year on this anyways you have a great blog and have a great taste in music. In the meantime why don't you check out iPodder Radio and you can like us in our iPodder Facebook Page hope to see yah you.
No-Fi said…
Maybe some of you will find something interesting - or maby not - check it:

SantosCurser said…
Dude you could prove u r the coolest blogger on the internet if u could please re-upload that Jimmy Smith - Christmas Cookin' that I just saw on your blog yesterday.... (Yesterday was the first day I ever saw ur blog!!! I am somewhat a newb to blog watching ... started a couple months ago wandering into "inconstantsol" and getting my mind blown by the wealth of information on music that i had never even known existed) Now I have found your blog and what a strong source it is... I hope Mr. Kevin, that you are still maintaining it??? (and keeping your body and soul in good shape too dude)
Best Holiday Season wishes...
Tomas Cipolla said…
Hello, congrats on the blog! I'm writing you to drop by a new jazz-fusion record I've just released with my band Pachacuti.
I attach to this email a press file with some reviews, photos and additional information on the band.
You can listen to it in and if you would like a free download code I
will be more than glad to provide it.
I thank you in advance for your time and hope you enjoy the record.
Best regards,

Tomas Cipolla
Musician and composer
colleyc said…
Hi there, would you list my blog if it pleases you.
Much appreciated - I'm listing your now! Cheers
Unknown said…
Hi, we are FoneZ from Argentina.
We released our first record to LoFi Records through. 6 tunes bordering krautrock, space, noise and others.
You can listen/download on LoFi Record’s Bandcamp

Chubidubi said…
Check out my blog
EG Team said…
Very interesting blog, great articles really fantastic. :)
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Andrew said…
It's my first visit. I read about your troubles. Stay strong, mate. rgds from over here.
Unknown said…
Thanks for your kind words Andrew. It's much appreciated! We've had a rough time recently, but i hope to get my feet planted firmly on the ground soon.

I hope you do check back for some music in the near future.


Jeffrey F. said…
Hey Kevin, thanks for responding to my post. Here were some of my favorites of 2016 (in no particular order):

David Bowie - Blackstar
Niechec - s/t
Radiohead - A Moon Shaped Pool
Cavern of Anti-Matter - Void Beats/Invocation Trex
Pye Corner Audio - Stasis
Thee Oh Sees - A Weird Exits
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Skeleton Tree
Yves Tumor - Serpent Music
Kendrick Lamar - untitled unmastered
Damien Jurado - Visions of Us on the Land
Claypool Lennon Delirium - Monolith of Phobos
Kaytranada — 99.9%

Would love to see some of yours.
Unknown said…
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