Future Queens Vol.11

Recently a lot of my favorite blogs have decided to call it a day. Church Number Nine, Prostrate Before a Periwinkle and Cut-Out have recently announced that they will no longer be updating their blogs for various reasons. Daily pressures such as worryingg about how ethical it is to share out-of-print music, constant hassles from record companies and lack of time and energy are the main reasons that they decided to quit blogging. However, these bloggers should be proud of what they have accomplished. They have not only opened up the eyes of the record industry in regards to reissuing out-of print records, but they have gained a cult status among record collecting enthusiasts around the world. These were all blogs that I visited daily and they never failed to have something new and interesting to share.

At this time, I would like to give a shout out to these blogs for setting the bar higher for myself and countless others who strive to introduce people to rare and interesting music that would otherwise go unheard. It will be a lonelier place without these guys, but I appreciate their dedication and perseverance to expose people to eclectic music.

Church Number Nine opend it's doors last October and gained a loyal readership due to it's amazing posts regarding free jazz legends such as Sun Ra, Anthony Braxton and Ornette Coleman. Atanase single-handedly maintained Church Number Nine and posted from his own collection as well as from other sources. He always removed links to albums that were out of print when record companies requested this of him, or if he found out that something had been reissued. Sometime around May, a couple of his loyal readers, Centrifuge and Fluxus started contributing out-of-print free jazz relics from their own collection to keep the "Church" going while Atanase was taking a break from blogging. Church Number Nine was the name of a legendary free jazz record by The Frank Wright Quartet and while I haven't heard the record yet, I'm sure that it is as amazing as the site that took it's name. Peace and goodwill to Atanase, Fluxus and Centrifuge.

Ever since I started blogging last October, I have been searching out for blogs that speak to me and help me feel connected to something. Lucky, the mastermind behind other prolific blogs such as Orang-Aural, Border Music, Cineville and Mr. Lucky has recently decided to close down his latest blog called Cut-Out. I have followed Lucky around from his soundtrack blogs(Cineville, Mr. Lucky) to experimental (Border Music, Cut-Out, Avant Records) and all I can say is that he is passionate about posting things that matter to him and responds to his reader's comments on a regular basis. His posts were always well thought out, entertaining and informative. The music he featured included the pioneering free jazz drummer Han Bennink, Samurai soundtrack legend Takeshi Terauchi and East European hurdy gurdy master, Robert Mandel. I am really sad to see him go, but hopefully I will see him reincarnated in another form somewhere. Thanks for providing the benchmark for greatness, Lucky.

Arboribus, one of the main contributors of the fantastic Future Queens compilations, has decided to close his blog called Prostrate Before a Periwinkle. I have been coming to this site for the past six months primarily for the next installment of the compilations, but he always has something interesting to share. His posts are well constructed and the music featured throughout the blog is diverse and challenging. He has everything from acid jazz legend Leon Spencer to experimental guitarist Fred Frith. His site is still up, but I don't think you can download many of the links anymore. Please stop by and say goodbye to Arboribus.

I posted a comment on his blog regarding the Future Queens compilations and that I was thinking of doing one myself. He responded that he was glad that the legacy of Future Queens would be continued on Eclectic Grooves. It is and honor and a privilege for me to contribute to the rich legacy of the Future Queens compilations. Without further ado, I present to you Future Queens Vol.11.

1. Jessie Mae Hemphill: Streamline Train- 5:09
From the album "Get Right Blues"

2. Davis Sisters: Earnestly Praying- 2:24
From the album "The Famous Davis Sister's Album"

3. Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings: Pick It Up, Lay It In the Cut-4:07
From the album "Dap Dippin' With"

4. Selda: Ince Ince- 3:42
From the album "Selda"

5. Jan Mink: Come on In-2:22
From the 45 " Oh No! No! No! b/w Come On In"

6.Afrirampo: Want You- 4:04
From the album "Kore Ga Mayaku Du

7. Cherry Blossoms: Can We Trust the Waters
From the album "The Cherry Blossoms"

8. Baptist Arms: Mary Magdalene-1:40
No official album release yet. This was taken from a live performance in Portland, OR

9. Lau Nau: Jos Minulla Olin- 3:53
From the album "Kuutratha"

10. Alela Diane: Brown Dirt- 3:34
From the album "Forest Parade" (Out of print)

11. Catherine Ribeiro: Lumiere Ecarlate-4:00
From the album "S/T" (Out of print)

12. Grace Slick and the Great Society: Sally Go Round the Roses- 6:34
From the album "S/T"

13. Stereolab: Three-Dee Melodie-4:56
From the album "Mars Audiac Quintet"

14. Big Mama Thornton: Ball and Chain-6:52
From the album "Ball and Chain"

15. Sibylle Baier: The End- 2:27
From the album "Colour Green"

Total time: 61:04

Your comments are always appreciated!!


Anonymous said

Kevin, it's nice to see you're continuing the FQ's! I only heard about 3 artists on your comp, and even them I don't know.

Great to have the ability to explore some new grounds. I have to admit, I couldn't resist continuing, this time on the mr-lucky.blogspot imprint ;)

Cheers + all the best to you,
Anonymous said

Dear Kevin,

what Lucky said is true to me too: Your Future Queens has included lots of revelations. In the first 10 issues we had quite neglected the gospel genre - thanks for filling this gap. Your collection is soulful from beginning to end. I enjoyed the first listening to it very much, and I'm sure I'll keep listening to it again and again. I'd also like to send you my compliments for the beautiful picture you found for it.
Wish you the best,
Unknown said

Hi Kevin,

Do you have a copy of Alela Diane's Forest Parade? I'd LOVE to hear more tracks~ been searching for it everywhere.
tek said

hey kevin - the mix is awesome- i just saw alela diane in chicago, she blew me away. where did you get a copy of forest parade? I found your blog when googling 'forest parade'

I would also love to hear some tracks from alina hardin- another grass roots artist traveling with A.D.
Kevin said

Denise: Alela used to live in Portland for about a year. I saw her at Halleluwah in 2006 and it was a captivating performance. she didn't have any copies of Forest Parade available at the show. So, I checked her website, only to find that it was no longer in print. I looked online long enough and I finally located the files. I can post Forest Parade on here, as it sounds like there's a little demand for Alela. Check back soon for that. Thanks for your request!
Kevin said


I'm glad that you are enjoying the mix. I love compiling these things and I have many other ideas for mixes. Right now, I don't have a lot of time to post since I'm in the process of job searching. I noticed that you said you saw her in Chi-town. I was born and raised in Peoria, IL.

As far as Forest Parade, I was fortunate to find it online several months back. I don't have an actual copy of it, but would be happy to post it here so more people can hear it.

I saw Alela at Halleluwah and was forever a fan... Deep, soulful and brooding vocals with a hint of twang. Do you know anyone that has live bootlegs of her out there? I would love to get my hands on some of those if they exist.

I have never heard of Alina Hardin, but she must be great if she's touring with Alela.

Thanks for stopping by and check back for Alela's "Forest Parade" soon.

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