Afro-Psychedelic Sunshine

I recently heard this blasting in a record store and I had to have it. Catchy, upbeat melodies collide with psychedelic fuzz guitar solos to create a sound that immediately grabs the listener by the ear. People who have a predilection for Nigerian and high-life music as well as lo-fi garage and 60's psych-rock will definitley dig this. Besides having "Oh Yeh Yeh" featured on the Love Peace and Poetry-African Psychedelic Music comp and the praise from a few underground DJ's, the exposure to Chrissy Zebby Tembo's music has been minimal. The album was recently reissued on wax after being out-of-print for a long time, and it looks to be a limited presssing of 430 copies. I have uploaded the entire record for you to sample. If you like the album, please purchase it at your local independent record store or by following this link.

Your comments are always appreciated!


Clloyd said

This album is the real deal! Just what I needed to get me moving on this cloudy day in Seattle. Thanks for the post! A very impressive find and a gem at that!
Anonymous said

Love the simplicity of the vocals and music juxtaposed with the crazy fuzz psych guitar! It sounds all too familiar and yet totally unique. Thank you for sharing this.
Kevin said

Clloyd: I'm glad that it brightened your gloomy day out there in Seattle. I live in Portland, OR, so I can definitely relate to the rainy season.

Dani: I agree with your comment about sounding familiar but still unique. It's so catchy that you feel like you've heard it before, but the fuzz psych guitar makes it stand out from the rest of the african high-life/afro-beat groups out there.

Best to both of you, Kevin
Anonymous said

Interesting music. Perhaps the uniquness comes from the sound of ska/early reggae vocals with the rock beat.
hdvns said

Wow, this is great! Now to find some other gems on here... THANKS!
mcb47120 said

Mind blowing stuff
Anonymous said

Very Cool - thanks~
alank said

great sounds....THANKS.
J Thyme...kind said

This is indeed a very nice listen.
Kevin said

Matthew, yesyesyes, and Alan:

Sorry for responding to your comments so late, but I wanted to catch up with them. Glad you are digging this Chrissy Zebby Tembo. Keep checking back for more of the same.


I think that you hit the nail right on the head with your description. Sort of like how Fela is interesting because he combines so many different sounds like jazz and funk with afro beat.

hdvns: Thanks for adding my blog to your links and for checking me out. I will hopefully be back soon with more great tunes.

J Thyme: Thanks for checking out my blog. I am glad that you are digging this afro psych fuzz from Chrissy. Would it be possible for you to add me to your links? I would be really grateful for that. Thanks
Unknown said

A truly fantastic find... thank you so very much!
Ian said

I bought it the same way--heard it in Portland's finest record store, Exiled Records, and had to buy it straight away--even though on CD it ran $23. Looks plenty limited, so I'd probably just have ended up paying more later. Grab it if you can--in the meantime, great share!
Adamo said

Anonymous said


motherload from the motherland

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