Reassessment of Priorities

For those of you who didn't realize it, I received an e-mail from Mediafire yesterday letting me know that they have suspended the use of a Caetano Veloso track that I just posted a couple days ago as they received complaints about me making this track available to download.  These guys are really not playing around if a single track from a 60's Brazilian psych record on a small label is targeted as copyright infringement. I really am at a loss now since I don't know what I am able to share without having the RIAA, Mediafire and Blogger on my case 24-7. It would be great if everyone would just take a moment to realize that all bloggers are not evil criminals who prey on musicians' lifeblood for our own benefit. There are certainly some blogs out there that only post the album artwork and a link with nothing to say about the artist, but there are still many who have the best interests of the artist in mind. This is certainly not a money-making venture for me, and the primary reason that I am doing it is to share music and promote artists that I believe in. 

I haven't done this in awhile, but I really need my readers to step up and help me assess what is really important here as I need to figure out a new way to do things around here. Recently, I realized that a majority of my files which were uploaded on defunct file-sharing services like Sharebee, Mass Mirror, Quicksharing and Boxstr have all been deleted for quite some time, in addition to the ones uploaded with Megaupload. There are some files that I won't be reuploading since they were taken down multiple times by various file- sharing services, but some of them were links for live concerts and out-of-print records that probably just expired after a certain amount of time elapsed. What I need to know from my regular visitors is whether there is a file-sharing service out there that you recommend as I doubt that posting files to Mediafire is a viable option right now. I really don't know if there are any services available that haven't been targeted by the RIAA, but I would like to hear from some of you if you have any ideas?

Would posting new links for old posts be more important to you, or would you like to see me focus on new posts?  Since reposting these expired links will definitely take some time, I need to prioritize these tasks accordingly. I am also looking for your input on an idea that I have been mulling over regarding offering the download links through e-mail. The way this would work is if you want to download the album, mp3 or mix, you would need to send me an e-mail and I will reply to your e-mail with the link to download the files. This wouldn't necessarily prevent Mediafire from taking down files, but at least the files wouldn't be posted on my blog anymore for Blogger to administer. Another option is to make the blog private until the dust settles, and everyone who wants to be invited to the blog can post a comment letting me know this so I can add you to the list. Everyone who has been added to the list before I make the blog private will be able to access it without any problem.

One thing that I want to make clear is that I keep doing this because I want to, but I really need to know that continuing to administer this blog is valuable to my readers. I have barely received any comments on the last 10 posts, and I know that there were almost 3000 visitors during the last month. It would just be helpful to me if I knew that I was taking risks to keep this thing going because people value what I do here. Please let me know if you have any helpful ideas, thoughts or positive vibrations to send my way, because I really need them right now.


Holly said…
- Thank you.

- Hulkshare, Minus, MirrorCreator

- New posts, old posts by request

- You should now have my e-mail, would definitely want an invite if you go private

Snofsan said…
It is exaggerated that bloggers kill the music industry.
What about second hand shops selling records? What does the artist gain from these?

I hope that you will keep on bloggin

Kind greetings from Belgium.
No-head said…
Kevin, I'm an old friend of this blog. I don't visit many others any more but I make a point of stopping by this one regularly. I enjoy the mixes and the podcasts. I like to be introduced to new things and you do that without fail. Every post has a lityle gem in it somewhere. I don't want to be overwhelmed by posts but i want to know that what I hear is going to be interesting, challenging and sometimes even exhilerating. I will continue to visit and value what you do for as long as you carry on with it. Copyright infringment!? What planet do these people inhabit? Do they realise how much money I have invested in music on the recommendation of people such as yourself? Where else do we get to hear Caetano Veloso? Not my local radio station, that's for sure. If you go private, put me first in the queue for an invite. In the meantime fill yer boots, big man and more power to your elbow.
Lee said…
Please just keep doing what your doing but just find some new file hosts.
The blog content is just what I personally like read someones thought on the music download it and try it yourself. Sometimes its not a hit with me and the music gets deleted. Kind of like the Radio 1 John Peel shows but man did I find some superb music from that guy both old and new but he was not the norm for radio. I need something that I can easily dip into in my life to find the kind of music that I like and blogs like yours fufill that role.
taylor said…
similar senitments to the above...
rued said…
I love reading your blog! Don't stop now, just find new file hosts. If you go private please count me in.
Kevin said…
Thanks to everyone who has commented so far!

Holly: I've heard of Hulkshare and Mirror Creator, but never heard of Minus before. Can you tell me why these file-sharing services would be your choice. Do you use them on your blog? Stopped by your blog and noticed that you don't have me added to your links. Can you add me please, and I will return the favor? I will definitely add you to the list in case I decide to go private. Thanks for the kind words.


Exactly my point. It seems that the RIAA and MPAA have been fighting each new technology that is introduced to the world. When VCR's first came out, the MPAA was up in arms because they feared that people would quit going to see movies at the theater. Obviously that wasn't the case. When tapes came out, the RIAA and corporate radio were worried that people would stop buying music and would just record everything from the friends. I think you get the picture. The bottom line is that what I and countless other bloggers provide is free promotion and praise for the musical artists. I'm sure if you ask the artists themseleves, a majority of them would say please share my music so I can get more exposure. This is why Myspace was started, so that msuicians had a place where they could share their music with people.


It's good to hear from you again my friend. You are one of the original visitors on here from the beginning. You have stuck with me through thick and thin, and for this I thank you sir. I am glad to hear you say that you have purchased much music because of recommendations on my blog. That means that I have done my part in helping a musician's career.

I will definitely add you to the queue if I decide to go private.


I'm glad that my blog is a place that fulfills the role of providing intersting music for you to listen to and download. I too love John Peel and have found many things that I like on his shows. I would love to hear more about the stuff that is really blowing your mind right now and what your favorite things are on my blog?


Would love to hear more from you about whether you have any thoughts about different file-sharing services to try that may be a little more safe as well as any other feedback you might have.


Thanks for stoping by man! I know that you don't often comment on here, but I always appreciate your thoughts on things. If I do decide to go private, you will be added to the list.

What I would like to know is whether any bloggers or anyone else has specific thoughts about
a file sharing service that is less likely to be targete? Also, does anyone besides Holly have any thoughts about prioritizing updating old links versus putting up new posts. Please send your requests and thoughts to me.

Best to all of you!
Simon666 said…
Here are my comments as a music blogger :

- Concentrate on new posts, it's what YOU are interested in, and it's YOUR time that is most important.

- Don't do re-ups except for people who actually comment on other posts and engage with the blog.

- Never do re-ups for anonymous people : they never say thankyou or engage further in any sort of way that will make you think you're anything other than a free service to them.

- It's an unpopular choice, but Rapidshare lasts. It's less work for you, so you last longer too. All you have to do is put up with anonymous commenters complaining that you're ruining their life by making them wait for the download.
DubMe said…
Hi... I have been following your blog for quite some time - can't exactly remember what I have downloaded from you - but I always enjoyed reading your very well-written post and some ideas you share in them...

I would agree with some of the above comments "New posts, old posts by request"...

I only started my own blog last year November - so far I have been lucky. I am still using mediafire - but I get the impression - there might be some danger of mediafire deleting them... I think a good idea is to not share the full title of the album or artist with the rar/zipp file - for example if I share the album "Sandy Barber - The Best Is Yet To Come" - I just name the rar/zipp file "SB_TBIYT" - I believe that way sites like filetram or similiar sites can't share your download (because no one would be googling for something like "SB_TBIYT")... It might also be well worth considering to only share the rar/zipp files with a password...

In case you go private - please count me in...

Best wishes; DubMe
Y Brawd said…
had similar dilemaa after MF deleted >500 posts last month. settled on sendspace. seems to do the necessary. also, went low key on the DL link, putting it in comment section. also, named files by personal code rather than artist/title.
E-mile said…
kevin, Simon666 has said it all: you do or you don't love to blog, as you know I don't post albums either, I've had my share of complaints (even on some Summertime version, can you believe that?) but you keep on slicing up them choice cuts etc. I think you don't have to worry about going private (yet!) or consider stopping alltogether...
Indeed Rapidshare may seem "unpopular" (just buy a damn premium!) it still works like a charm. there are still many options about: jumboshare, zippyshare and what not...
Consider this a big thumbs up,
Holly said…
@Kevin - Whoops! Major oversight, corrected. Had a litle bad blog mojo due to nasty comment troll, so have been letting dust settle, apologies for taking so long.

Snap, Crackle & Pop is using Minus & I like as a downloader - no waits & fast - it seems, like Hulkshare, to be modelled on Mediafire. And MirrorCreator hedges bets (& links to Mediafire, still my preferred dl site when available). I won't pay for premium services anymore as I can't afford to be hosed by anyone else disappearing!
Free RapidShare is NOT horrible, in fact it's better than most, but not as good as those I recommended.
Reza said…
Hi there , sorry long time since I visited , sad to hear your having problems, must admit I agree with Simon and Emile's opinions , I hope not to see you disappear, you've put up some truly insightful musical posts, I wish you all the best whichever way you decide to go :)
Unda said…
I love this blog and have been one of the 'anonymous' people that download and never leave a comment, and for that I apologize. I do appreciate the hard work and I love being exposed to new music. If it wasn't for blogs like this, my life wouldn't be the same (seriously). Once again your much appreciated, and thank you for your time and love.

Sorry I haven't commented in a while. Been really busy. I got some great suggestions from your best of '11 list.

As I've said before, I post only what I feel like, what I'm listening to, what I'm digging at the moment, what pops into my head from the aether. I don't really give a shit if anyone else cares or not. But I've got plenty of followers, many dl's, & hundreds of visitors per day, so...

If mediafire or anyone, artist or internet sherrif, want something removed, I just remove it. Their loss, not mine...I have whatever I post up already, so...

Just keep doing what you do, posting great, overlooked surprising musick to tickle our fabcies, but as I say on every one of my posts, ENJOY!!!

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