Best Albums of 2009

Events beyond my control have prevented me from posting this Best Albums of 2009 list sooner, including an unexpected snowstorm yesterday that practically paralyzed the city of Portland and the surrounding areas for a period of five hours. Aside from taking over five hours to get home, I feel very fortunate that I managed to escape the snowstorm unscathed. However, the main night that I planned on working on this post was last night, so that means that I will just get this one in just before the new year. Towards the end of October, I realized that I had barely listened to any music that was actually released in 2009. With this in mind, I began to compile a comprehensive list of albums that peaked my interest, as well as several albums that I purchased throughout the year. This list was largely assisted by the plethora of music blogs out there including Butter X Face , Terminal Boredom , Weekly Tape Deck , Better Than Sex and Swan Fungus . In addition, I mined the Pitchfork guest list...