
Showing posts from August, 2007

Eclectic Mix Tape #1

Well, I'm back from vacation with many ideas for this blog. I've been listening to all kinds of music and traversing the web for the latest and greatest blogs to feature on Eclectic Grooves. I will be updating the web links on the side of this page, as it has come to my attention that many of these blogs are defunct or have infrequent updates. In addition, I have a plethora of new sites that I have been checking out on a daily basis that I will be showcasing on here in a future post. I wanted to inform you that the fight for internet radio is still going on. Many people voiced their concerns over the past month, and let it be known that they will not allow their civil liberties and freedoms to be violated. Because of this, Pandora will have more of a fighting chance for survival in the internet radio business. Unfortunately, the fight isn't over yet, and we need to continue contacting our local representatives and state senators to support the passing of the Net Neutrality ...