
Showing posts from July, 2019

The Incendiary Sounds of Mdou Moctar

Man, what a tumultuous time I've had since last Thanksgiving! It started with a sudden medical problem which I thought would be cured with antibiotics that spiraled into the need for multiple procedures to determine if I had a fatal illness. If that weren't enough, I have been rear-ended twice in the past 8 months, with the most recent accident resulting in my car being totaled.  I found my quality of life reduced to a steady diet of working all day and then watching TV until it was time for bed. Throughout these months, my condition hasn't gotten any better and it has resulted in me not being able to consume a lot of the beverages and food that I love. It was difficult to deal with my girlfriend's Lyme disease prior to all of this happening, but now normal chores that I would do around the house or running errands are things that rarely occur due to my illness. It's a slippery slope once you fall into the icy depths of depression, and the only person that can bri...